

Trainwest Training Location Perth Belmont

Psychosocial Hazards in the Workplace / Update from DEWR on Draft Revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations

Psychosocial Hazards

In today’s fast-paced and competitive business landscape, the well-being of workers has taken centre stage. It’s not just about physical safety anymore. Psychosocial hazards, which encompass the emotional, psychological, and social aspects of the work environment, can significantly impact worker health and overall business performance.

Here, we explore the importance of managing psychosocial hazards at work and provide practical suggestions for managers to create healthier, safer and more productive workplaces.

Psychosocial hazards refer to factors within the work environment that can impact workers mental and physical health and well-being. These hazards can include excessive workload, lack of job control, bullying, harassment, interpersonal conflicts, and inadequate support from supervisors. Left unaddressed, these issues can lead to stress, burnout, decreased job satisfaction, and even physical health problems.

Strategies for Managers
Conduct Comprehensive Risk Assessments:

  • Regularly assess the work environment to identify potential psychosocial hazards.
  • Prioritize hazard prevention by proactively identifying stressors and challenges that could impact workers’ well-being.

Promote Open Communication and Consultation:

  • Foster a culture of open communication where workers feel safe discussing their concerns and suggestions.
  • Consult workers when making decisions that may affect their roles, providing them with a sense of ownership and empowerment.

Utilise Data to Inform Decisions:

  • Gather and analyse data on employee well-being, job satisfaction, and stress levels.
  • Use data insights to make informed decisions that address psychosocial hazards and improve the overall work environment.

Lead by Example and Promote Self-Care:

  • Demonstrate healthy work habits and effective stress management techniques as a leader.
  • Advocate for self-care practices among workers, encouraging activities that promote mental and emotional well-being.

Create a Psychologically Safe Team Environment:

  • Foster an inclusive and respectful team culture where all opinions and ideas are valued.
  • Encourage collaboration and mutual support, allowing workers to feel safe expressing themselves without fear of judgment.

Provide Training and Development Opportunities:

  • Offer training programs that enhance workers’ emotional intelligence and communication.
  • Equip workers with tools to navigate psychosocial challenges effectively.

Managing psychosocial hazards at work is not just a moral imperative, it’s essential for a healthy and productive work environment. By implementing the strategies mentioned, both managers and workers can contribute to creating a workplace that values workers’ well-being.

When psychosocial hazards are effectively addressed, organisations may benefit from increased job satisfaction, reduced turnover, and improved overall performance.

A supportive workplace is a cornerstone of a successful and sustainable business.

The Trainwest Safety Institute offer a range of training products that can assist your business navigate the management of psychosocial risks – click here

Trainwest’s growing footprint in regional Western Australia

Trainwest has long worked closely with industry partners to deliver contextualised training, including in-house courses which are delivered in the workplace.  Over the duration of 2023, Trainwest has increasingly been ‘on the road’, delivering a range of courses across regional Western Australia.

Over the course of just the past three months, we have delivered the TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment in Karratha, Port Hedland and Newman, where we have also been offering opportunities for Trainwest students living in the regions to attend face-to-face Support Workshops.  For many, the hardest part of the Certificate IV in Training and Assessment course is finding time amongst a multitude of work, family and community commitments to complete the post-course requirements. These Support Workshops are proving to be a focus point for many, and we are encouraged to see our students achieving their personal and professional goals, regardless of where they call ‘home’.

In the training and assessment space, we were back in Kalgoorlie in September, delivering the TAESS00019 Assessor Skill Set.

Our Trainwest Safety Institute team has also been out and about in regional WA, with Statutory Positions Training being delivered in the north, south and east of the state. You may have seen our Trainers out and about in:

  • Port Hedland
  • Wodgina
  • Whaleback
  • Jimblebar
  • Mulla Mulla
  • Roy Hill
  • Kalgoorlie
  • Kambalda
  • Ravensthorpe
  • Pinjarra

In 2024, Trainwest will be delivering the TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment course in both Karratha and Port Hedland, with funded places available (subject to meeting eligibility criteria).  The course will be delivered in three Blocks, with additional support being available to facilitate course progression and the flexibility to attend the course in both locations.  Course dates are as follows:

Karratha – Course One

  • Block 1: 19th to 27th February 2024
  • Block 2: 15th to 19th April 2024
  • Block 3: 13th to 17th May 2024

Port Hedland – Course One

  • Block 1: 11th to 19th March 2024
  • Block 2: 29th April to 3rd May 2024
  • Block 3: 27th to 31st May 2024

Karratha – Course Two

  • Block 1: 22nd to 30th July 2024
  • Block 2: 26th to 30th August 2024
  • Block 3: 14th to 18th October 2024

Port Hedland – Course Two

  • Block 1: 5th to 13th August 2024
  • Block 2: 9th to 13th September 2024
  • Block 3: 21st to 25th October 2024

Please contact the friendly team at Trainwest for more information on these courses.

Update from DEWR on draft revised Standards for Registered Training Organisations

In October 2022, the proposed changes to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) were released for public consultation with about 900 people participating in online and face-to-face forums, and over 250 online submissions received by DEWR.  Public consultation on the draft documents concluded on 31 January 2023. Skills Education is hosting a DEWR update to the VET sector on progress to the draft revised Standards for RTOs.

This is an opportunity to hear from the DEWR Project Team on the proposed updates.

The Draft Revised Standards for RTOS can be accessed here.

If you are working in or with a Registered Training Organisation, this webinar will keep you updated as to the future of the Vocational Education and Training Sector.

Register for the free webinar through this link.