


Reducing Psychological Risks at Work

Reducing Psychological Risks at Work: The Job Characteristics Model Explained

In the hustle and bustle of today’s workplaces, employee well-being is more critical than ever. The Job Characteristics Model (JCM) offers practical insights to create jobs that not only boost satisfaction but also reduce psychological risks.

What is the Job Characteristics Model ? 

The JCM, developed by organisational psychologists, identifies five key aspects of a job that impact how employees feel about their work:

Skill Variety: Imagine a job where you get to use different skills. It’s like having a toolbox with various tools. When your work involves diverse tasks, you’re less likely to get bored or stressed.

Task Identity: Ever worked on a project from start to finish? That’s high task identity. When you can see the impact of your work, it feels more meaningful. It’s like completing a puzzle and seeing the whole picture.

Task Significance: Think of this as the “big picture.” Does your job matter? When you understand how your tasks contribute to the organisation’s goals, you feel more connected and motivated.

Autonomy: Autonomy means having some control over your work. It’s like being the captain of your ship. When you can make decisions and choose how to do things, you’re happier and less stressed.

Feedback: Imagine driving without a GPS – you wouldn’t know if you’re on the right track. Regular feedback is like that GPS. It helps you stay focused, improve, and feel confident.

How can the JCM reduce Psychological risks?

Mix It Up: Employers can rotate tasks or cross-train employees. This prevents monotony and keeps skills fresh.

Project-Based Work: Structuring tasks as projects with clear goals gives employees a sense of purpose. They see the impact they’re making.

Connect the Dots: Organisations should communicate how each role contributes to the bigger picture. Feeling valued reduces stress.

Empowerment: Let employees have a say. Flexible work arrangements and decision-making authority boost morale.

Feedback Loop: Regular performance reviews and peer feedback provide direction and motivation.

By applying the JCM, companies create jobs that promote well-being. It’s a win-win – happier employees and better results!

TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment – Port Hedland

Trainwest has long worked closely with industry partners to deliver contextualised training, including in-house courses which are delivered in the workplace.  Over the duration of 2023, Trainwest has increasingly been ‘on the road’, delivering a range of courses across regional Western Australia. Locations included Port Hedland, Karratha, Newman and Broome.

In 2024, Trainwest will be delivering the TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment course in  Port Hedland, with funded places available (subject to meeting eligibility criteria).  The course will be delivered in three Blocks, with additional support being available to facilitate course progression and the flexibility to attend the course in both locations.  Course dates are as follows:

Port Hedland

  • Block 1: 17 to 25 June 2024
  • Block 2: 22 to 26 July 2024
  • Block 3: 26 to 30 August 2024

Please contact the friendly team at Trainwest for more information on this course as places are limited.

Unlocking Opportunities: Engage with Your Jobs and Skills Councils

Are you passionate about shaping the future of vocational education and training (VET)? Do you want to ensure that your industry stays ahead of the curve? Then, it’s time to get involved with your local Jobs and Skills Council.

In Australia, the Jobs and Skills Councils play a crucial role in driving the development of training products that meet industry needs. These councils bring together industry experts, employers, training providers, and government representatives to identify skills gaps, forecast industry trends, and design training programs that equip workers with the right skills for the job market.

By actively participating in your Jobs and Skills Council, you have the opportunity to contribute your insights and expertise to the development of training products relevant to your industry. This involvement not only ensures that training programs align with industry standards but also allows you to stay updated on the latest advancements and trends in your field.
Maintaining currency in your industry is vital for career growth and competitiveness. By engaging with your Jobs and Skills Council, you can stay informed about emerging technologies, evolving job roles, and changing skill requirements, empowering you to adapt and thrive in a rapidly changing job market.
Furthermore, being part of your local Jobs and Skills Council allows you to network with industry professionals, build relationships with potential employers, and access valuable resources and support services. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your career journey, the council provides a platform for collaboration, learning, and professional development.

So, how can you get involved? Reach out to your nearest Jobs and Skills Council to learn about membership opportunities, upcoming meetings, and ways to contribute. Your input is invaluable in shaping the future of vocational education and ensuring that training programs remain relevant and effective.

Don’t miss out on the chance to make a difference in your industry and enhance your own skills and knowledge. Get involved with your Jobs and Skills Council today and be at the forefront of driving innovation and excellence in vocational education and training.